Football England Southern League 1913/1914 - Champion Swindon Town
Final Rankingp_w__d__l_gfgag+-
1. Swindon Town50218981:41+40
2. Crystal Palace501716560:32+28
3. Northampton Town471419550:37+13
4. Reading4417101143:36+7
5. Plymouth Argyle4315131046:42+4
6. West Ham United4215121161:60+1
7. Brighton Hove Albion4215121143:45-2
8. Queens Park Rangers411691345:43+2
9. Portsmouth4014121257:48+9
10.Cardiff City3813121346:42+4
12.Exeter City3610161239:38+1
14.Norwich City359171249:51-2
15.Millwall Athletic3411121551:56-5
16.Southend United3210121641:66-25
17.Bristol Rovers3110111746:67-21
19.Merthyr Town289101938:61-23
20.Coventry City266141843:68-25

FA Cup 1913-1914

Merthyr Town and Coventry City relegated to Division II.
Brighton Hove Albion----29.1115.11 27.1210.4 14.327.9 11.41.11 7.2 17.1 25.4 28.218.1025.123.911.10 28.313.913.12
Bristol Rovers 4.4----0.9 21.211.1020.128.11 27.12 18.4 21.3 7.3 17.16.12 13.4 7.227.922.1125.1225.1013.9
Cardiff City 21.3 1.1---- 7.227.9 6.12 25.12 29.4 7.3 21.2 27.1222.1113.12 25.411.1010.4
Coventry City6.918.10R0----29.11 24.1 28.220.925.1220.12 14.3 3.1 11.4 28.315.11 10.4 14.2 18.41.11
Crystal Palace 13.4 14.2 24.1 4.4----20.920.1218.10 3.1 17.9 28.315.11 14.3 28.2
Exeter City8.11 25.4R1R1 17.1---- 21.2R122.1125.1011.10 13.4 21.329.1113.9 27.12 7.313.12 7.2 26.12
Gillingham 24.1 14.3 28.2 25.418.10----15.11 14.2 3.110.424. 11.420.91.11 26.12 28.3
Merthyr Town6.126.9 26.1225.10 21.2R1 21.3----20.1222.118.1127.9 18.4 3.111.10 7.2 4.410.4 7.3 17.1
Millwall Athletic 7.313.124.4 17.113.9 28.311.10 25.4---- 16.3 27.1210.425.10 11.427.91.9
Northampton Town4.1015.111.11 26.120.9 28.213.9 28.318.10---- 27.12 11.4 14.220.9 25.413.12 24.1 14.3 13.429.11
Norwich City20.91.1118.10 25.42.4 14.2 13.4 28.3 24.1 26.12 31.1 3.1 28.25.915.11
Plymouth Argyle20.1220.96.98.11 7.310.4 4.4 24.1 26.126.1222.11---- 22.4 14.225.10 21.2 18.4 3.1 21.34.10
Portsmouth25.10 11.4 28.313.9 27.1215.11 7.2R0 14.311.1027.93.9----1.1110.425.12 21.229.11 17.1 25.4
Queens Park Rangers 23.410.4 18.46.1222.11 4.4 27.1213.9 21.3 17.125.1211.10 26.3----8.1125.10 7.2 12.320.1227.9
Reading 26.124.1020.922.11 21.3 3.1 18.4 14.26.920.12 6.12 28.2 13.4 29.4----1.11 24.1 4.418.10
Southampton 10.9 24.1 3.1 13.4 18.4 4.418.10 26.12 28.2 7.3----20.1220.922.11 14.2
Southend United 14.2 28.3 14.3R125.121.11 17.1R1 28.227.913.918.218.104.10 10.9 25.4----15.11 27.12 11.4
Swindon Town22.11 26.1220.1211.10 7.2 18.4 7.3 4.41.927.9 17.1 21.3---- 21.2 27.12
Watford 3.1 28.2 14.224.9 11.44.1025.121.11 24.110.4 10.915.1120.9 25.417.9 28.36.918.10---- 1.4
West Ham United 18.4 3.1 13.4 7.325.1025.1222.1120.9 14.4 4.4 21.3 7.220.12 24.1 23.311.
dateteam 1scoreteam 2HT
Week Saturday 06.09
01.09Millwall1-1West Ham United
01.09Swindon Town3-0Queens Park Rangers1-0
03.09Brighton Hove Albio1-0Southampton
03.09Gillingham0-2Coventry City
03.09Portsmouth0-2Plymouth Argyle
04.09Norwich City3-1Watford
06.09Coventry City2-1Brighton Hove Albio
06.09Crystal Palace3-1Portsmouth
06.09Gillingham1-0Queens Park Rangers1-0
06.09Merthyr Town1-0Bristol Rovers
06.09Norwich City1-1Northampton Town
06.09Plymouth Argyle2-1Cardiff City
06.09Southampton2-0Exeter City
06.09Watford1-2Southend United
06.09West Ham United2-3Swindon Town
Week Saturday 13.09
10.09Southampton0-0Brighton Hove Albio
10.09Southend United2-1Reading
10.09Watford2-0Norwich City
11.09Coventry City2-3Gillingham
--.09Northampton Town1-1Crystal Palace
--.09Bristol Rovers1-0Cardiff City
13.09Brighton Hove Albio0-0Watford
13.09Bristol Rovers1-2West Ham United
13.09Cardiff City1-2Southampton
13.09Exeter City0-1Reading
13.09Millwall0-0Crystal Palace
13.09Northampton Town3-1Gillingham
13.09Portsmouth0-0Coventry City
13.09Queens Park Rangers0-1Merthyr Town
13.09Southend United2-2Norwich City
13.09Swindon Town4-1Plymouth Argyle
Week Saturday 20.09
17.09Crystal Palace3-0Northampton Town
20.09Coventry City1-1Millwall
20.09Crystal Palace0-0Exeter City
20.09Gillingham4-2Southend United
20.09Northampton Town2-2Queens Park Rangers2-1
20.09Norwich City1-1Brighton Hove Albio
20.09Plymouth Argyle1-1Bristol Rovers
20.09Reading1-0Cardiff City
20.09Southampton1-2Swindon Town
20.09West Ham United3-1Merthyr Town
Week Saturday 27.09
24.09Gillingham4-0Plymouth Argyle
24.09Watford7-0Coventry City
27.09Brighton Hove Albio2-0Gillingham
27.09Bristol Rovers1-3Southampton
27.09Cardiff City1-2Crystal Palace
27.09Exeter City0-0Coventry City
27.09Merthyr Town1-0Plymouth Argyle
27.09Portsmouth1-0Norwich City
27.09Queens Park Rangers2-2West Ham United
27.09Southend United1-3Northampton Town
27.09Swindon Town3-0Reading
Week Saturday 04.10
04.10Coventry City2-2Cardiff City
04.10Crystal Palace0-1Swindon Town
04.10Northampton Town2-0Brighton Hove Albio
04.10Norwich City2-2Millwall
04.10Plymouth Argyle3-0West Ham United
04.10Reading2-1Bristol Rovers
04.10Southampton3-0Merthyr Town
04.10Southend United1-2Queens Park Rangers
04.10Watford0-1Exeter City
--.--Coventry City2-2Cardiff City
Week Saturday 11.10
11.10Brighton Hove Albio1-1Southend United
11.10Bristol Rovers0-1Crystal Palace
11.10Cardiff City2-0Watford
11.10Exeter City0-1Norwich City
11.10Merthyr Town0-0Reading
11.10Portsmouth3-0Northampton Town
11.10Queens Park Rangers0-0Plymouth Argyle0-0
11.10Swindon Town6-1Coventry City
11.10West Ham United5-1Southampton
Week Saturday 18.10
18.10Brighton Hove Albio1-0Queens Park Rangers0-0
18.10Coventry City2-2Bristol Rovers
18.10Crystal Palace3-1Merthyr Town
18.10Gillingham2-0Exeter City
18.10Northampton Town5-1Millwall
18.10Norwich City2-2Cardiff City
18.10Reading2-0West Ham United
18.10Southampton1-2Plymouth Argyle
18.10Southend United3-2Portsmouth
18.10Watford1-2Swindon Town
Week Saturday 25.10
25.10Bristol Rovers2-1Watford
25.10Exeter City2-0Northampton Town
25.10Merthyr Town3-0Coventry City
25.10Millwall2-1Southend United
25.10Plymouth Argyle1-0Reading
25.10Portsmouth0-1Brighton Hove Albio
25.10Queens Park Rangers3-1Southampton
25.10Swindon Town2-0Norwich City
25.10West Ham United1-2Crystal Palace
Week Saturday 01.11
01.11Brighton Hove Albio2-0Millwall
01.11Coventry City2-4West Ham United
01.11Crystal Palace2-2Plymouth Argyle
01.11Gillingham2-3Swindon Town
01.11Northampton Town2-1Cardiff City
01.11Norwich City1-1Bristol Rovers
01.11Portsmouth1-1Queens Park Rangers0-0
01.11Southend United1-0Exeter City
01.11Watford3-0Merthyr Town
Week Saturday 08.11
08.11Bristol Rovers3-1Gillingham
08.11Cardiff City3-0Southend United 4-1?
08.11Exeter City4-1Brighton Hove Albio
08.11Merthyr Town0-0Norwich City 1-1?
08.11Plymouth Argyle0-3Coventry City
08.11Queens Park Rangers1-0Reading
08.11Southampton2-2Crystal Palace
08.11Swindon Town1-1Northampton Town
08.11West Ham United1-1Watford
Week Saturday 15.11
15.11Brighton Hove Albio2-1Cardiff City
15.11Coventry City2-2Southampton
15.11Crystal Palace5-1Reading
15.11Gillingham2-1Merthyr Town
15.11Millwall2-0Queens Park Rangers2-0
15.11Northampton Town2--Bristol Rovers
15.11Norwich City1-0West Ham United
15.11Portsmouth2-2Exeter City
15.11Southend United2-0Swindon Town
15.11Watford0-1Plymouth Argyle
Week Saturday 22.11
22.11Bristol Rovers0-0Southend United
22.11Cardiff City1-3Portsmouth
22.11Exeter City3-1Millwall
22.11Merthyr Town2-2Northampton Town
22.11Plymouth Argyle2-0Norwich City
22.11Queens Park Rangers3-0Crystal Palace
22.11Reading1-0Coventry City
22.11Swindon Town1-1Brighton Hove Albio
22.11West Ham United3-1Gillingham
Week Saturday 29.11
29.11Brighton Hove Albio2-1Bristol Rovers
29.11Coventry City2-0Crystal Palace
29.11Exeter City0-0Queens Park Rangers0-0
29.11Northampton Town0-0West Ham United
29.11Portsmouth1-1Swindon Town
Week Saturday 06.12
06.12Bristol Rovers3-1Portsmouth
06.12Cardiff City1-1Exeter City
06.12Crystal Palace3-0Watford
06.12Merthyr Town0-1Brighton Hove Albio
06.12Plymouth Argyle2-0Northampton Town
06.12Queens Park Rangers3-0Coventry City
06.12Reading3-2Norwich City
06.12Swindon Town2-0Millwall
06.12West Ham United0-1Southend United
Week Saturday 13.12
13.12Brighton Hove Albio0-1West Ham United
13.12Cardiff City3-0Queens Park Rangers
13.12Exeter City0-2Swindon Town
13.12Millwall2-0Bristol Rovers
13.12Northampton Town0-0Southampton
Week Saturday 20.12
20.12Bristol Rovers1-1Exeter City
20.12Coventry City1-2Norwich City
20.12Crystal Palace1-0Gillingham
20.12Merthyr Town2-2Millwall
20.12Plymouth Argyle2-2Brighton Hove Albio
20.12Queens Park Rangers3-2Watford
20.12Reading1-1Northampton Town
20.12Southampton4-2Southend United
20.12Swindon Town1-2Cardiff City
20.12West Ham United3-2Portsmouth
Christmas 25.12
25.12Brighton Hove Albio0-2Reading
25.12Bristol Rovers5-2Swindon Town
25.12Cardiff City1-1Merthyr Town
25.12Coventry City0-1Northampton Town
25.12Millwall4-0Plymouth Argyle
25.12Queens Park Rangers1-1Norwich City1-0
25.12Southend United3-3Crystal Palace
25.12West Ham United1-1Exeter City
Boxing Day 26.12
26.12Crystal Palace0-0Southend United
26.12Exeter City1-1West Ham United
26.12Merthyr Town2-2Cardiff City
26.12Northampton Town0-0Coventry City
26.12Norwich City2-3Queens Park Rangers1-2
26.12Plymouth Argyle1-0Millwall
26.12Reading2-1Brighton Hove Albio
26.12Swindon Town5-0Bristol Rovers
Week Saturday 27.12
27.12Brighton Hove Albio2-2Coventry City
27.12Bristol Rovers2-1Merthyr Town
27.12Cardiff City2-1Plymouth Argyle
27.12Exeter City2-0Southampton
27.12Northampton Town1-1Norwich City
27.12Portsmouth1-1Crystal Palace
27.12Queens Park Rangers0-0Gillingham0-0
27.12Southend United1-0Watford
27.12Swindon Town4-1West Ham United
Week Saturday 03.01
01.01Cardiff City2-0Bristol Rovers
03.01Coventry City2-2Portsmouth
03.01Crystal Palace3-0Millwall
03.01Gillingham1-1Northampton Town
03.01Merthyr Town1-2Queens Park Rangers
03.01Norwich City6-0Southend United
03.01Plymouth Argyle3-1Swindon Town
03.01Reading2-2Exeter City
03.01Southampton2-0Cardiff City
03.01Watford3-1Brighton Hove Albio
03.01West Ham United6-1Bristol Rovers
Week Saturday 17.01
17.01Brighton Hove Albio4-2Norwich City
17.01Bristol Rovers1-4Plymouth Argyle
17.01Cardiff City1-0Reading
17.01Exeter City1-1Crystal Palace
17.01Merthyr Town1-2West Ham United
17.01Millwall4-1Coventry City
17.01Queens Park Rangers0-0Northampton Town0-0
17.01Southend United2-3Gillingham
17.01Swindon Town3-0Southampton
Week Saturday 24.01
24.01Coventry City1-2Exeter City
24.01Crystal Palace4-0Cardiff City
24.01Gillingham4-0Brighton Hove Albio
24.01Northampton Town2-0Southend United
24.01Norwich City0-0Portsmouth
24.01Plymouth Argyle1-0Merthyr Town
24.01Reading2-0Swindon Town
24.01Southampton2-0Bristol Rovers
24.01West Ham United4-1Queens Park Rangers
Week Saturday 31.01 - FA Cup
31.01Norwich City2-1Southampton
Week Saturday 07.02
07.02Brighton Hove Albio1-1Northampton Town
07.02Bristol Rovers2-2Reading
07.02Cardiff City3-1Coventry City 2-1
07.02Exeter City1-1Watford
07.02Merthyr Town1-2Southampton
07.02Millwall2-2Norwich City
07.02Queens Park Rangers0-0Southend United0-0
07.02Swindon Town0-2Crystal Palace
07.02West Ham United2-1Plymouth Argyle
Week Saturday 14.02
14.02Coventry City1-1Swindon Town
14.02Crystal Palace5-3Bristol Rovers
14.02Northampton Town0-0Portsmouth
14.02Norwich City3-1Exeter City
14.02Plymouth Argyle2-0Queens Park Rangers
14.02Reading1-0Merthyr Town
14.02Southampton2-3West Ham United
14.02Southend United0-1Brighton Hove Albio
14.02Watford3-2Cardiff City
Week Saturday 21.02
18.02Southend United2-1Plymouth Argyle
21.02Bristol Rovers3-2?Coventry City
21.02Cardiff City3-0Norwich City
21.02Exeter City2-0Gillingham
21.02Merthyr Town0-1Crystal Palace
21.02Plymouth Argyle1-1Southampton
21.02Portsmouth4-2Southend United
21.02Swindon Town3-0Watford
Week Saturday 28.02
28.02Brighton Hove Albio3-2Portsmouth
28.02Coventry City0-0Merthyr Town
28.02Crystal Palace1-2West Ham United
28.02Gillingham0-0Cardiff City
28.02Northampton Town2-1Exeter City
28.02Norwich City1-2Swindon Town
28.02Reading2-2Plymouth Argyle
28.02Southampton0-2Queens Park Rangers
28.02Southend United1-3Millwall
28.02Watford1-1Bristol Rovers
Week Saturday 07.03
07.03Bristol Rovers2-1Norwich City
07.03Cardiff City0-0Northampton Town
07.03Exeter City0-0Southend United
07.03Merthyr Town1-0Watford
07.03Millwall3-1Brighton Hove Albio
07.03Plymouth Argyle0-0Crystal Palace
07.03Swindon Town5-1Gillingham
07.03West Ham United1-0Coventry City
Week Saturday 14.03
12.03Queens Park Rangers4-2Swindon Town2-0
14.03Brighton Hove Albio2-1Exeter City
14.03Coventry City1-1Plymouth Argyle
14.03Crystal Palace0-0Southampton
14.03Gillingham3-0Bristol Rovers
14.03Northampton Town1-0Swindon Town
14.03Norwich City5-2Merthyr Town
14.03Southend United2-1Cardiff City
Week Saturday 21.03
16.03Millwall2-1Northampton Town
21.03Bristol Rovers1-1Northampton Town
21.03Cardiff City0-0Brighton Hove Albio
21.03Exeter City1-0Portsmouth
21.03Merthyr Town2-0Gillingham
21.03Plymouth Argyle1-1Watford
21.03Queens Park Rangers1-0Millwall1-0
21.03Reading2-1Crystal Palace
21.03Southampton3-0Coventry City
21.03Swindon Town5-0Southend United
21.03West Ham United1-1Norwich City
Week Saturday 28.03
23.03West Ham United0-0Reading
26.03Queens Park Rangers1-0Portsmouth
28.03Brighton Hove Albio2-0Swindon Town
28.03Coventry City1-2Reading
28.03Crystal Palace2-1Queens Park Rangers
28.03Gillingham3-1West Ham United
28.03Millwall3-1Exeter City
28.03Northampton Town1-0Merthyr Town
28.03Norwich City1-1Plymouth Argyle
28.03Portsmouth1-1Cardiff City
28.03Southend United2-2Bristol Rovers
Week Saturday 04.04
01.04Watford6-0West Ham United
02.04Norwich City0-0Crystal Palace
04.04Bristol Rovers1-0Brighton Hove Albio
04.04Crystal Palace3-1Coventry City
04.04Merthyr Town1-0Southend United
04.04Millwall3-0Cardiff City
04.04Plymouth Argyle1-0Gillingham
04.04Queens Park Rangers2-3Exeter City
04.04Southampton2-0Norwich City
04.04Swindon Town5-0Portsmouth
04.04West Ham United1-1Northampton Town
Week Saturday 10.04
10.04Brighton Hove Albio0-0Crystal Palace
10.04Cardiff City2-0West Ham United
10.04Coventry City3-0Southend United
10.04Gillingham0-0Norwich City
10.04Merthyr Town1-1Swindon Town
10.04Plymouth Argyle0-0Exeter City
10.04Queens Park Rangers1-0Bristol Rovers0-0
10.04Watford3-3Northampton Town
Easter Saturday 11.04
11.04Brighton Hove Albio4-2Merthyr Town
11.04Coventry City0-1Queens Park Rangers
Exeter City0-0Cardiff City
11.04Millwall1-1Swindon Town
11.04Northampton Town2-2Plymouth Argyle
11.04Southend United1-1West Ham United
11.04Portsmouth1-0Bristol Rovers
11.04Watford1-1Crystal Palace
Easter Monday 13.04
13.04Bristol Rovers2-1Queens Park Rangers1-1
13.04Crystal Palace0-0Brighton Hove Albio
13.04Exeter City0-0Plymouth Argyle
13.04Northampton Town2-0Watford
13.04Norwich City2-0Gillingham
13.04Southend United1-1Coventry City
13.04Swindon Town3-0Merthyr Town
13.04West Ham United1-1Cardiff City
Week Saturday 18.04
14.04West Ham United3-2Millwall
18.04Bristol Rovers1-1Millwall
18.04Coventry City3-1Watford
18.04Crystal Palace3-0Norwich City
18.04Merthyr Town3-3Portsmouth 1-3
18.04Plymouth Argyle0-1Southend United
18.04Queens Park Rangers0-1Cardiff City
18.04Southampton1-2Northampton Town
18.04Swindon Town1-1Exeter City
18.04West Ham United1-1Brighton Hove Albio
Week Saturday 25.04
22.04Plymouth Argyle2-1Portsmouth
23.04Queens Park Rangers3-0Brighton Hove Albio2-0
25.04Brighton Hove Albio1-0Plymouth Argyle
25.04Cardiff City0-0Swindon Town
25.04Exeter City1-1Bristol Rovers
25.04Gillingham1-1Crystal Palace
25.04Millwall1-2Merthyr Town
25.04Northampton Town3-1Reading
25.04Norwich City1-1Coventry City
25.04Portsmouth5-1West Ham United
25.04Southend United0-0Southampton
25.04Watford2-0Queens Park Rangers
Moved matches
29.04Cardiff City0-0Millwall
29.04Reading0-1Queens Park Rangers
No date
Cardiff City2-0Gillingham
Norwich City0-0Reading
Reading2-0Southend United
01.Exeter City0-1Cardiff City
01.Exeter City3-0Merthyr Town
01.Merthyr Town1-0Exeter City
01.Portsmouth5-1Merthyr Town
01.Southend United2-2Merthyr Town
Todor 66
Footbal index
Clubs index
England index
1920 Division I
1915 Division I
1915 Division I
1914 Division I
1913 Division I
1912 Division I
1911 Division I
1910 Division I
1909 Division I
1908 Division I
1907 Division I
1906 Division I
1905 Division I
1904 Division I
1903 Division I
1902 Division I
1901 Division I
1900 Division I
1899 Division I
1898 Division I
1897 Division I
1896 Division I
1895 Division I

Prepared and maintained by Todor Krastev
Last updated: 5 May 2019
Facebook Todor Krastev
