Men Volleyball II World B Championship 1990 Japan - 12-22.04 Qualification to World Men 1990
Qualification from Men B 1990 Qual
Sweden, Netherlands and Japan qualify to World Championship Men 1990.
Final Groupwlgfgaratio
1. Sweden5015:31.396-1
2. Netherlands4112:51.446
3. Japan329:70.876
4. Yugoslavia237:110.956
5. Poland147:140.875-1
6. Spain055:150.746
Netherlands ---3:03:03:13:1
Japan ---3:03:03:1
Yugoslavia ---3:23:0
Poland ---3:2
Spain ---
dateteam 1scoreteam 2ptsg1g2g3g4g5
20.04NED Netherlands3-0ESP Spain45-2415-315-915-12
20.04SWE Sweden3-1POL Poland48-492-1515-716-1415-13
20.04JPN Japan3-0YUG Yugoslavia48-4116-1415-1217-15
21.04POL Poland3-2ESP Spain71-5712-1515-1015-614-1615-10
21.04NED Netherlands3-0YUG Yugoslavia45-2415-315-915-12
21.04SWE Sweden3-0JPN Japan45-1215-115-615-5
22.04SWE Sweden3-0NED Netherlands45-2315-1315-515-5
22.04JPN Japan3-1ESP Spain43-3213-1515-915-8
22.04YUG Yugoslavia3-2POL Poland66-6115-89-1515-1212-1515-11
Final rankingwlgfgaratio
1. Sweden8024:31.750-1
2. Netherlands7121:41.754
3. Japan6218:81.169
4. Yugoslavia5316:121.199
5. Poland4416:141.104-1
6. Spain3513:170.959
eliminated in Groups Round
7. East Germany237:90.931
8. China236:100.906
9. Algeria147:120.791
11.Puerto Rico051:150.502
Groups Round. First three to Final Group. Rest are eliminated.
Scores ares transferred.
Group Awlgfgaratio
1. Netherlands5015:12.226
2. Japan4112:41.405
3. Poland3210:61.192
4. East Germany237:90.931
5. Iraq143:130.595
6. Puerto Rico051:150.502
Japan ---3:03:13:03:0
Poland ---3:03:03:0
East Germany ---3:03:0
Iraq ---3:1
Puerto Rico ---
dateteam 1scoreteam 2ptsg1g2g3g4
played at Tokyo
12.04NED Netherlands3-1POL Poland56-3415-411-1515-815-7
transferred to Final Group
12.04JPN Japan3-0IRQ Iraq45-1915-515-815-6
12.04GDR East Germany3-0PUR Puerto Rico45-2115-615-215-13
13.04JPN Japan3-0POL Poland45-3015-1215-715-11
transferred to Final Group
13.04IRQ Iraq3-1PUR Puerto Rico55-4710-1515-1315-915-10
13.04NED Netherlands3-0GDR East Germany45-2115-1215-415-5
14.04JPN Japan3-1GDR East Germany52-3515-37-1515-715-10
14.04NED Netherlands3-0PUR Puerto Rico45-1615-515-215-9
14.04POL Poland3-0IRQ Iraq45-2115-615-815-7
17.04NED Netherlands3-0IRQ Iraq45-1415-615-315-5
17.04JPN Japan3-0PUR Puerto Rico45-1915-915-415-6
17.04POL Poland3-0GDR East Germany45-3015-915-1315-8
18.04GDR East Germany3-0IRQ Iraq45-2615-815-815-10
18.04POL Poland3-0PUR Puerto Rico45-1515-515-415-6
18.04NED Netherlands3-0JPN Japan45-2115-715-915-5
transferred to Final Group
Group Bwlgfgaratio
1. Sweden5015:21.726
2. Yugoslavia4113:41.549
3. Spain3210:81.151
4. China236:100.906
5. Algeria147:100.791
6. Taiwan050:150.356
Yugoslavia ---3:03:03:13:0
Spain ---3:03:23:0
China ---3:13:0
Algeria ---3:0
Taiwan ---
dateteam 1scoreteam 2ptsg1g2g3g4g5
played at Gifu
12.04ESP Spain3-2ALG Algeria68-6116-1411-1515-511-1515-12
12.04YUG Yugoslavia3-0TPE Taiwan45-1315-315-515-5
12.04SWE Sweden3-0CHN China45-1815-1015-215-6
13.04YUG Yugoslavia3-0ESP Spain46-2815-1215-216-14
transferred to Final Group
13.04SWE Sweden3-0ALG Algeria45-1115-415-615-1
13.04CHN China3-0TPE Taiwan45-2015-415-915-7
14.04ESP Spain3-0CHN China45-2515-915-515-11
14.04YUG Yugoslavia3-1ALG Algeria59-3617-1512-1515-415-2
14.04SWE Sweden3-0TPE Taiwan45-1415-215-815-4
17.04SWE Sweden3-1ESP Spain51-505-1515-1116-1415-10
transferred to Final Group
17.04YUG Yugoslavia3-0CHN China45-2915-1015-815-11
17.04ALG Algeria3-0TPE Taiwan45-1115-215-515-4
18.04SWE Sweden3-1YUG Yugoslavia47-422-1515-1115-915-7
transferred to Final Group
18.04ESP Spain3-0TPE Taiwan45-2215-815-815-6
18.04CHN China3-1ALG Algeria56-3615-1015-511-1515-6
Women B 1990
Olympics indexWorld index
World Cup indexOther index
Europe indexEurope Cups index
Asia indexAmerica index
Africa indexNorceca index
South America index
Central America index
World League indexWorld Grand Prix index
Universiade index
Volleyball indexTodor66
index Men
Men All Final Rankings
XXI 2025
XX Poland, Slovenia 2022
XIX Bulgaria, Italy 2018
XVIII Poland 2014
XVII Roma 2010
XVI Tokyo 2006
XV Buenos Aires 2002
Teams Men 2002
XIV Tokyo 1998
XIII Athens 1994
Qualification Men WQ 1993
XII Rio de Janeiro 1990
Qualification Men B 1990
Qualification Men B 1990 Qual
XI Paris 1986
Qualification Men B 1986
X Buenos Aires 1982
IX Roma 1978
VIII Mexico City 1974
VII Sofia 1970
VI Praga 1966
Qualifiacation Men WQ 1966
V Moskva 1962
IV Rio de Janeiro 1960
III Paris 1956
II Moskva 1952
I Praga 1949

Prepared and maintained by Todor Krastev
Last updated: 22 Aug 2023
Facebook Todor Krastev
